Save time and skip the headaches with scheduled forms

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2 min read
November 14, 2022

Have you ever wanted to run a temporary promotion and had to set a reminder to turn off your signup form afterwards? Or even wake up at midnight to launch a form? Now you can leave those worries behind with Klaviyo’s new scheduled forms feature. Schedule the time and date that you want your form to go live and go dark automatically. 

New signup form capabilities designed to save you time and effort

Pop ups, flyouts, and full page forms aren’t just great tools for growing your subscriber list. They are also effective for getting shoppers to convert. Forms can be used to display special promotion codes to different audience segments during a specific time period or even announce a new product. Previously, you had to manually turn that form on and off yourself. This created more work for you, with additional steps of setting reminders to go back into Klaviyo and set your forms back to draft mode. 

Now, just like you can easily schedule campaigns, you can schedule forms. Go to the signup forms tab of your account and hover over the form you’d like to schedule. You’ll see a new Schedule button appear. Simply click this button, enter your dates and times, and let Klaviyo take things from there.

Schedule forms from the signup form tab
Use the scheduling window for your form.

Save time and schedule your signup forms today

With all the different aspects that go into running an ecommerce business, you already have enough tasks to manage. Scheduling signup forms ahead of time takes one thing off your plate. Set when forms will display and when they’ll be removed right from within the signup forms tab of Klaviyo

Shoshana Antunes
Senior product marketing manager
Shoshana Antunes is a senior product marketing manager at Klaviyo, focused on the platform’s email and review products. She is passionate about supporting SMBs and believes they are the heartbeat of communities, and offer the ability to create generational wealth for business owners and their families. She’s spent the last 6 years in tech and 8 years in marketing working to improve experiences and processes for small businesses. Outside of work, she often has her head in a book, working toward her goal of reading 30 books in 2024. She also (mostly) enjoys doing DIY projects for her fixer upper, though she says she isn’t particularly handy. Shoshana has her MBA from Boston University.

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