Data-driven best practices & strategic guidance

Omnichannel marketing resources

Looking for advice to grow faster? Want to make sure you’re performing well against industry benchmarks? Need a checklist of best practices to cross off? You’ve come to the right place.

AI is buzzy, but is it living up to the hype?

We surveyed 1.5K ecommerce marketers around the world to find out what ecommerce marketers really think about AI.

Strategic guidance

Access ungated step-by-step guidance to grow faster with email, SMS and more.

Email marketing

Email marketing best practices

A step-by-step guide to growing faster in 2024

SMS marketing

The complete SMS marketing guide

How to drive more revenue through SMS in 2024

Email and SMS

Multi-channel marketing mastery

A step-by-step guide to integrating email & SMS

Industry news

Sender requirements

How to meet Google and Yahoo’s email sender requirements in 2024

The big book of Klaviyo use cases

Learn how to maximize the potential of your owned channels by strategically using Klaviyo to help you power smarter digital relationships.

Klaviyo use cases & proven strategies

This collection of use cases will show you smarter, more creative ways to grow—grounded in real-world examples from brands that have made these tactics their own.

Boost the CLV of customers who just purchased

During Cargo Crew’s first year with Klaviyo, the team was on a mission to majorly revamp their post-purchase journey––and saw a 3.5x growth in revenue per recipient from the flow. Here’s how you might test something similar.

Capture in-person data that boosts online sales

Stone Brewing knows all too well what happens when an omnichannel tech stack doesn’t work in an integrated way—which is why, now, they use Klaviyo as the bridge between in-store and digital experiences.

Use customer data to grow at each stage of the buyer journey

Providing the necessary TLC to each customer at every stage of the buying journey probably sounds like a labor-intensive task—one that might send many lean teams panicking. Here’s how Andie Swim did it, and how you can do something similar.

Consolidate your retention marketing efforts under one roof

Clean, consistent, reliable data is what allows you to dream up and implement complex, varsity-level marketing initiatives, and it’s why Made In consolidated their email, SMS and reviews into @Klaviyo’s platform. Here’s how, and why, they did it.

Easily execute on marketing decisions, faster—and without extra developer support

If your marketing team can’t easily access customer data, understand it, and then action it to create experiences that drive value and conversions—well, you’re stuck in the mud. And Titan Fitness was sick of getting slowed down. Here’s how they addressed the issue, and put Klaviyo at the center of their tech stack.